Monday, October 4, 2010

Beautiful Weekend

I have to say, it was a gorgeous weekend. Well, it rained for part of Sunday, but other than that it was beautiful. It wasn't hot at all, perfect for porch sitting and people watching. Both of which I did while my husband was out selling his wares at the flea market.

Tomorrow is my first visit to the neurologist. I am quite nervous about it. I know I shouldn't be, they'll probably just ask a bunch of questions and look over my MRI's. I guess I'm nervous about what they'll say. Dr. Worster seemed concerned enough to send me there after viewing my MRI and seeing the loss of white matter in the frontal lobe and the 2 areas of previous injury. I guess I should be relieved I am lucky enough to have a specialist address these concerns. Lupus has picked again, and this time it's my brain. Which I think is scary because really so little is known about that part of our bodies. Most organs can be transplanted if they go bad, you can live with only one kidney or lung. But the brain...that's it. You've only got one. No brain transplants available! LOL :) The most frustrating part is, how to keep the brain healthy? I eat balanced meals, take my vitamins and supplements, I do puzzles and mind-challenging games, I read. But are any of these habits going to make a difference when it comes down to it? My worst fear (and I can't even believe I'm admitting this) is that the Lupus will cause psychosis and I'll do something to harm someone I love. I'd rather die a thousand awful deaths than hurt my children. It makes me cry to even think of this particular fear. So, needless to say, my anxiety factor is at an all time high.

Enough about that...on to something less depressing. Matt did well at the flea market this weekend. I am very proud of him. He sold quite a few puppets and decorations that he and the kids made.

Now I have to get my day started, I hope everyone is well and have a blessed day!

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