Monday, October 11, 2010

I Am a Lucky Woman :)

I am very lucky. I have such a great family and I am so grateful for them. I am blessed to have such great kids, especially. They could make my life a lot more difficult! Thank goodness they don't!! I often feel like maybe I complain too much and I feel the need to remind myself how blessed I truly am.

The consultation with PT went well. I will be working mainly on upper body strength, abdominal strength, and balance. I am thrilled that I get to do my therapy in the heated pool! It is such a long drive there and back, but I believe this PT will do me a world of good. Everyone I met in the outpatient therapy dept. is very likable and it seems this will be a good fit.

I cooked two big meals yesterday, so I am taking a break from the kitchen tonight. Matt is going to cook, I believe. I have been watching Boardwalk Empire on HBO since True Blood season 3 ended. I really like it! "Mr. Pink" from Resevoir Dogs plays Nucky Thompson, a gangster who rules the business and politics of the New Jersey tourist town. The plot lines are complex and intriguing. I recommend it as a replacement for the empty hole in Sunday nights where Sookie and Bill used to reside.
I hope everyone has a peaceful, blessed evening!

1 comment:

  1. keep us posted on how the PT goes.
    My hub loves that show too :)
    be sure to swing over to the fb group when you can we have missed you :)
