Tuesday, October 19, 2010

You're Not Old Enough!

Oh, how many times I find myself saying these words to my boys. To me, they are still my babies. I still (and probably always will) feel the need to protect them from things that may hurt them. But when is it appropriate to let go? Ian and Justin are both asking me if they can have a facebook page. I've been stubbornly saying no on this one. I just don't feel like they are mature enough to handle all the issues that come with putting yourself out into cyber space. I've done my best to talk with them about the dangers of predators online, and I'll of course monitor their activity on facebook very closely. They are all very internet savvy, I've just held them back from social media. So, at what age is the right age to let them break out on their own online? There is a definite part of me that believes that erring on the side of caution is the right thing to do. But, I don't want to smother them. So....I don't know what I'm going to do on this one. I have no reference point because there was no social media (or wide spread use of internet for that matter) when I was their age. I am very lucky that at 14, 13, and 11, the boys are still very innocent. I think that is a good thing. There is plenty of time for them to learn how cruel and uncivil the world really is. I don't shelter them from the facts of things, as a matter of fact I'm very open and honest with them about everything, but they don't need to experience those things just yet. This whole being a parent thing is one tough gig. I just hope I'm doing it right! Only time will tell on that one.

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