Monday, May 31, 2010

The End

Turned out to be a very nice day. We had the trip to the hotel, then our neighbors came over for a cook out and some horseshoes. I found a nice breezy spot in the shade and managed to enjoy myself for a little while. It was as if the sun was drinking up my energy through a straw. I had to come back in. First, the hint of fatigue and it just went downhill from there. That's okay though because it was worth it. I felt "normal" for an hour or so. Matt is still outside grilling more chicken and playing horseshoes. I think he really needed the recreation.

Tomorrow is June 1st! I just can't believe how fast time is flying by me these days. I feel like everything is in such a hurry and I'm stuck in place watching it go in fast forward.

Hopefully I'll be going to my Mom's house tomorrow for a visit. Jacob will be spending the week with her, so I have to take him over there. I miss her. I miss my Memmaw and Peppaw too. I don't feel like I get to spend near enough time with them. Not to sound too morbid or anything, but I've dealt with my fair share of death. I know how fleeting and fragile life is. Any one of us could be gone in the blink of an eye. I just don't want any regrets. I don't want to have to wish I would've visited with them more, or told them I love them more.

I think tonight's movie will be Interview with a Vampire. That is one of my all time favorites. I've been having trouble concentrating lately and haven't been able to get much reading in. I started The Celestine Prophecy (again...this will be the 5th time I've read it), but I just can't seem to get into it this time. The book club book this week is 90 Minutes in Heaven. I'm going to the library tomorrow to check it out. Maybe a new book, one I haven't read yet, will hold my interest better.

Well, this is good night for me. XOXO, Sarah Jane

French Lick Hotel

Just got back from a little tour of the French Lick Hotel with the boys. What a beautiful place! The American Flag display was gone, that was a little disappointing, but we still got to see all the beautiful artwork and neat history that is the Hotel.

I'm ready for a nap now, I think :) My spoons are quickly running out! I need to save up my energy for a game of Yahtzee with the boys, anyone who knows me and the boys knows why I need to save up energy for a board game! I love Yahtzee, it's a sneaky way to get some math in while still having fun. Tuesday I'm going to start our version of summer school around here. Justin needs a lot of help with his math. He is not going to be happy about it, but he's just going to have to get over it. I can't let him fall behind on the basics, because then he'll never catch up. Also, we are going to have our own "summer book club". Ian has taken up reading like I like, but Jake and Justin still see it as a chore. I think it's just a matter of finding the right books for them to read. Also I found an online typing program that I'm going to have a 3 of them do.

The farmer's market starts tomorrow. I can't wait! I love the farmer's market :) Fresh zuchinni, squash, eggplant, peaches, green beans, the list goes on....Our Jay C just does not have the variety and freshness when it comes to produce.

I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday! I'm off to take my nap now.

XOXO, Sarah Jane

Happy Memorial Day

I hope everyone is enjoying their Memorial Day weekend. I wish I could be at the beach getting a tan! Oh least I won't get premature wrinkles.

Don't know what is on the agenda today. Everything is closed, so it's not like a normal Monday morning. I guess I could finish up the laundry. That doesn't exactly excite me, but it has to be done.

My little Justin without his medication is driving me insane!! I'm hoping his body is just taking some time to adjust to not having the meds and this will pass. He is eating like a horse, though. So hopefully he'll do a lot of growing this summer. My comfort is 2nd to his health, and I know it's best for him to not be on ADHD meds all year round. I just may have to up my own nerve medication! LOL :)

Ian had a really good time with his friends at the beach and camping. He remembered his sunscreen! I am so proud. Well, his friend's Mom probably did, but at least it got done. I should've sent him with OFF! for the camping trip, but didn't think about it. Poor guy ended up as mosquito food. I'm wondering if he'll want to start traditional again next year. I would be okay with it if he does. Ultimately it's his education. I asked him the other day and he was pretty adamant about staying homeschooled.

Jacob is doing so much better now that he is homeschooled. I think that was the best decision we ever made. He is learning so much more, his self confidence and self esteem is increasing exponentially. Some people are like "Don't you worry that they don't have enough peer interaction?", well, the answer to that is no. There are lots of kids in the neighborhood that they play with almost daily, and they have each other. I think with all the negativity that goes on in public school, they are much better off. Their manners and speech have improved, I am very pleased with their progress.

I think maybe we'll take a trip to the hotel to see the American Flag display at the hotel. I hope I hold up till this afternoon and actually feel like going.

Happy Memorial Day :) XOXO Sarah Jane

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The End

It's the end of another day, things are quieting down around here. Getting ready to settle down with hubby and watch a movie. This is my favorite time of day. I feel relieved that I've made it through another day and glad for the quiet time with Matt. Thinking about watching Avatar again. I just can't seem to make it through the whole movie awake!

A quick thunderstorm passed over this evening. Lots of thunder and lightning, I love it!! That is as long as the lightning is off in the distance and I can watch it from my porch.

I can't believe June is almost here. Before too much longer I'll be 33!! How did that happen? LOL! The gray hair is really starting to show :) That's okay. I wouldn't go back for anything. I'm happy with the person I am now. I didn't used to be.

So...goodnight all. XOXO, Sarah Jane

I love Sundays

I love Sundays. I love the lazy feel of them. They always remind me of family. When I was little, my Grandma used to take us to her mother's house almost every Sunday. I still remember the smell of her house, the perfume she wore (roses, roses by Avon) and the awesome dumplings she made. I hope that is a tradition I can carry on with my own children when the are older. I try to have at least one "big" meal on Sunday. Today, it was breakfast and Matt cooked it. Bacon, eggs, and toast. Cholesterol doesn't count on Sundays...right? I wish I could get together with my family (Mom, sister, Memmaw and Peppaw..) on Sundays. Maybe I'll try to organize a get-together at my house once a month or so. That would be nice.

Ian spent the night with his friend last night. They went to the beach and spent the night camping. I hope he remembered to put on his sunscreen!!

Lupus Awareness Month is almost over. I hope I did my part in getting the message out. I tried :), and I'll keep on trying.

Well, I guess I'm done writing for now. I hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday as well!

XOXO Sarah Jane


I've decided to devote some of my time on this blog to write about what I go through with lupus. I'm hoping it will give me a better idea of what triggers my symptoms and maybe what I can do to manage them better. For now, I am at a loss at what causes these flares. I know stress and sunlight play a major role in my illness. I stay out of the sun as much as possible, but the stress is a different story. I hope this summer to take the water aerobics class, I'm thinking some exercise and some time out of the house may help ease some of the everyday tensions. I've thought about trying out yoga, but am not really comfortable starting something like that on my own with no one to guide me.

Today the pain is at a high point. It hurts to type, but getting these thoughts out of my head seems to help. I have another doctor's appointment the middle of June, maybe I can get some more answers then. I seriously doubt that, however. He is a great doctor, it's not his fault. I believe he does everything he can to make me more comfortable, I'm just to the point now where I think this is as good as it's going to get. At least there have been no hospital stays, so he is doing something right.

It's really hard to accept that the rest of my life is going to be this way. I feel like I've been cheated and my kids have been cheated. I try really hard not to feel sorry for myself, but somedays that is really difficult. I try to think about all the positive things I have. My kids; my family; a great, supportive husband who bends over backwards to make my life easier. The loss of independence is probably the hardest thing to deal with. I wish I could work!! I wish I could drive without causing myself pain. Going to the store is like an olympic event. Some days, just taking a shower and getting dressed is as much as I can manage. Those are all things I have to stop dwelling on. Accept the things I cannot change...has become my mantra.

Well, I started this blog with one intention and it became something different entirely! That's okay though. I think I needed to get all this out of my head. Maybe it will help me move on.