Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My Christmas Beauty Wish List

The first thing on my list is a special holiday palette from Tarte called the jewelery box. This picture doesn't really do the palette justice. It is HUGE!
Next is this compact from Estee Lauder. How cute is this?!?!!
Then the Urban Decay 24/7 eye pencil set. I've always read such great things about these pencils, and this set has all the colors in travel sizes and a full size pencil in zero (black).

And my all time favorite fragrance, Burberry Brit. I like to have a variety of fragrances to choose from, but Burberry Brit is my go to.
This 100 color palette from ELF has every color a gal could ever want or need.
These Tarte mini cheek stains are just adorable. These are too cute to sit in the bottom of a makeup bag, I'd have to set them out!
Clinique almost lipstick in black honey. My very first lipstick love, and still one of my faves.
And last, but not least, on my list today is Lancome Definicils mascara. I've never bought a mascara that cost more than $10 or so, but I would splurge on this mascara.

Just a few things on my mind this holiday! Of course if I do buy any of these it'll probably be after Christmas when all these go on sale :)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Weekend Alone :)

Happy Friday to all! The kids are going to relatives this weekend, so Matt and I have the house to ourselves! That has not happened in quite some time. It'll be really nice to have some couple time. It's been a long time since we have been able to really spend any quality time just with each other. I'm looking forward to a good game of scrabble with him! That's my favorite game of all time. We also play 10,000 and Yahtzee a lot. Of course, he'll probably want nothing to do with that and he'll be on his music all weekend, but I can wish! I'll just have to find something to occupy myself. Which will probably end up being on my laptop. I want to get my photos organized like I want them. That is going to take some time all by itself. And there's always plenty of laundry and housework to keep me busy. Not that I really want to do that with my first weekend "off" in a long time!

I really need to buy some new Christmas ornaments for the tree this year. I remember last year she was looking pretty bare. I'd like to get some really pretty blown glass ones. I can have those kind now that the kids are older and I don't have to worry about them breaking them. I also have to plan out Thanksgiving. Though I'm not really sure who is coming and who is not. Regardless, even if no one else shows, I'll still have a nice dinner for my family. I'm pretty sure I have all I need except for the pies. I'm going to make them from scratch, except maybe the pie crust. I'll leave that part to Pillsbury and their refrigerated dough. I'd like to make a pecan pie and a pumpkin pie. I've never made pecan pie, so I'm a tad nervous about that. Instead of brown and serve rolls, I'm going to make some honey wheat bread. Holidays are the only time I get to use my nice china set and I can't wait! I want to get a new table cloth and a centerpiece for the table.

Well, the laundry is calling my name so this is all for now!
I just love this pic!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

No Rest for the Wicked

I just love pictures of sleeping cats, so peaceful! I woke up at about 1 a.m. or so and have been wide awake every since. This is a particularly stressful time of year for me. Lots of money pressures with the holidays and all. I am so grateful that I finally got my disability approved, that takes some of the stress off, but with 3 kids to raise, it's not near enough to cover all of our expenses. Really we should move to a more affordable home, but I just hate the thought of moving. We've lived at this house for over 3 years now and we're all comfortable here. Our home is in a very good location, I know that's something hard to find. All of our neighbors are great, also something that's hard to find.

As I said before, my butterfly rash is gone for now and I'm feeling a bit better overall. Raynaud's has been acting up a little, but that's to be expected with the cold weather approaching.

Wow...I just nodded off, so I better try to get some more sleep!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Urban Decay from


I am so excited!! I got my order today. I got such an amazing deal on Urban Decay. I got the cocoa sparkling body powder, big fatty colored mascaras in indigo and electric, and their matte eye shadows in chronic (the green shown above) and purple haze (not shown). For all of this including shipping it cost me less than $25. Needless to say, I have all ready tried them all out! The body powder I am officially in love with. It is gorgeous! I love the sparkles in it and it smells (and tastes) amazing!! It would be really great on the decollete for a night out. The eye shadows are pigmented and they blend super easy. The mascaras....well, I'm glad I didn't pay full price because I would've been upset. The color looks amazing on the applicator, but it takes a LOT of coats for it to show up, and the tube is more like a trial size than a full size. I checked on their web site and the size is what it is supposed to be. Over all, I am very happy with my purchase. I will definitely order from again, even if it does take them forever to ship. Being on a budget, I normally can not afford the higher end cosmetics, but with these kind of discounts I can :)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Things Looking Up :)

After a really, really crappy week things finally started looking up last night. Matt spent a lot of time playing a game with the boys last night, they had a lot of fun. I've been really quiet here online as of late. I just don't like being negative here on the blog or on facebook, I think that has a way of coming back to bite you in the butt. So I just took a little time out to gather myself.

I get to see my sister today!! I am really happy about that. I love it that she is coming to visit us more often. The boys are glad to see her more too.

My butterfly rash has took its leave (thank goodness). I hate, hate, hate the face rash. Of all the things Lupus does to my body the rash is the most visible. I don't think I'm a particularly vain person, but I hate looking in the mirror and having that reminder stare back at me.

I woke up really early this morning from some horrible nightmares. They felt so real and I woke up in tears. I remember from my psychology class (years ago) that keeping a dream journal and doing certain mental exercises can help a person control their dreams. I am definitely going to have to put some of that in practice.

I hope everyone enjoys their Sunday!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I've never used the Christmas cards with the photos on them, but I'm going to this year! Shutterfly has a great promotion going on right now for bloggers. Everyone should really check it out. The link for more information is

I have never specifically used Shutterfly before, but I will now, even for getting my regular photos developed.

Things Change

Well, things are settled down here for the most part. All of the drama that took place last night seems to be done with. I still have some negative feelings about things though. It seems as if I can't say anything right. Any opinion I have is the wrong one, any idea I have is no good, and apparently I am selfish and self serving and a lazy parent. I know the last parts to be untrue, but it still hurts that someone else could feel this way about me. Of course, those exact words were not said, but that was the meaning behind it. I feel so alone. I wish I had someone to confide in. I wish my sister and I lived closer together. I can be honest with her about my feelings and thoughts and they are okay with her. I feel like she respects my thoughts and feelings. I feel myself getting more and more depressed everyday. I am on antidepressants (yep, that's right. I'm not ashamed to admit it.) and maybe it's time to up the dose. I know Zoloft can't improve my situation, but it can improve my perception of it. I know if this gets read by certain people they are liable to be very upset with me. However, I feel like I have the right express myself. I'm not naming names or specifics, so I think this is entirely appropriate.

That's all I really have to say for now.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Think Again!

Just when I think I am doing a pretty good job as a parent and a wife, something happens that concretes the fact that exactly the opposite is true. It is definitely not for lack of trying or desire. I do my best and still it's not good enough. I had no idea that a certain person was so very miserable. And I really feel like shit because I didn't know that it was as bad as it apparently is. So, what to do now? How can I make things better? I absolutely do not have the answer to those questions. The incident that sparked all of this has caused me to doubt so many things in such a short period of time. I think the worst pain in the world is to know that a person you love more than life itself is hurting and there's nothing you can do to fix it. So all I can do is cry and silently pray for the answers to be shown to me. My faith in certain things has been shaken to the core. Things I thought would never happen have happened. Things I thought would never be said again have been said. I am hurt and my heart is broken. The really bad thing is that there is no one I can talk to about this. I won't give details that personal in a blog, but I do think writing down how I feel about things is healthy.

All this upset has caused my butterfly rash to make an appearance. Just great. I've been in a flare for a while now, but I haven't had to deal with the rash. Not anymore, I get to look at that everyday in the mirror now. I should be on prednisone right now, but I can't stand what that stuff does to me. Sure, it makes things lovely in the short term, but after a while horrible is the only word I can think of to describe it. I am so tired of crying. I just have to have faith that tomorrow is going to be a better day.

Friday, November 5, 2010

It's Friday :)

Which makes my kids happy, but to me is just another day of the week. I managed to make it to Bloomington to my rheumy's office with the help of my husband (my chauffeur). It's such a long drive, I really wish we lived closer, but I like it where we are at now. It's getting to be winter now, so there will be no moving anytime soon anyway.

I'm in a better mood this evening, but I still have a lot weighing on my heart and mind. I wish there were a quick fix for all life's problems. I think living in the age of the internet has made us more impatient in general. No one wants to wait for anything, including me. The old saying that good things come to those who wait holds no power anymore. Why should we have to wait? Everything is at our fingertips. Ahh...sorry for the moodiness. I've been pondering life's bigger issues lately. It' made me a little jaded, I believe. I think a lot of what I'm going through emotionally is just another step in growing up. And some of it is just life.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Not a Good Day :(

Today has not been a very good day for me. I just found out this week that a family member is in stage 4 colon cancer. My heart breaks for his wife and children. I haven't seen him very often over the course of my adult life, but my childhood is filled with memories of him. I specifically remember him offering me $10 if I could catch one of his roosters. Now, back in the day that was a fortune to me! LOL :) I chased that rooster all over the yard. And no, I never caught it. All of this reminds me how fragile life is and how quickly it can be taken away. It's hard to imagine someone that you've always seen strong and healthy go through such a thing.

Beyond that, well, anything else I wanted to write about seems rather small and insignificant. I don't feel like I have the right to complain.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Julie and Julia and Other Things On My Mind

I love any movie where the characters are extremely real, easy to relate to. Julie and Julia is one of those movies. What I found easier to relate to is the real Julie Powell. I read her blogs and yes, I agree with the nay-sayers that she comes across self absorbed and self centered. But the Julie/Julia project was all about her quest for self awareness, and her journey through it. Therefore, how could you expect her to come across as anything but self centered and self absorbed? I don't think a blog can so correctly pigeon hole a person's personality. We are all complex creatures. I believe a blog is just a glimpse inside a person's head, not a complete tour through it. I cannot wait to get her books and also Julia Child's cookbooks. I am going to put those on my Christmas list this year. Hey Santa...are you reading this? :)

I voted yesterday, and yes I am proud of that fact. I think that the right to vote is one of the most overlooked freedoms we as Americans have. So many people I know don't vote because they don't think it matters. Yes, it does matter. In so many places in the world women especially are not allowed to be heard in the matters of how their countries are run. I voted for all of those women. I did it because I can.

Not much on the agenda today. I have a few errands to run, but that's it. I am very thankful because I'm not feeling all the great today. Oh Lupus, how I'd love to run you over with my truck then toss you in the river.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Good Night World

Right now it's my absolute favorite time of day. Things are settling down for the night. The kids are watching their Monday night shows and Matt is lecturing them on why they shouldn't try big time wrestling moves at home. I think the point is moot. But as responsible parents we must say such things anyway. I am in the living room enjoying listening to the music that is my family in the other room. I also have an ear out for my tea kettle. I'm looking forward to my cup of hot chocolate with marshmallow creme.

Not really looking forward to the trip to the doctor tomorrow. It's the really not fun type of doctor visit. You know what I'm talking about ladies. But it is one of those necessary evils! Also now that I'm getting "up there" (toward mid 30's) I am wondering when I need to have my first mammogram. I don't know that much detail about my family history. I guess that's something I need to talk with my Mother about. I wonder if there is any correlation between Lupus and female types of cancer. Lupus is a disease that mainly affects women in their childbearing years. Now, that's not to say Lupus doesn't affect men or children because it does all the time. It's just that the majority of the cases are women. That is a topic I may bring up with my doc tomorrow. She is not a rheumy, but she may know something.

Well, I am exhausted. I had a very busy day today. I hope everyone is well and I wish everyone a peaceful, restful night.

This is one of the preloaded pics that came with my laptop. I love it!