Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Julie and Julia and Other Things On My Mind

I love any movie where the characters are extremely real, easy to relate to. Julie and Julia is one of those movies. What I found easier to relate to is the real Julie Powell. I read her blogs and yes, I agree with the nay-sayers that she comes across self absorbed and self centered. But the Julie/Julia project was all about her quest for self awareness, and her journey through it. Therefore, how could you expect her to come across as anything but self centered and self absorbed? I don't think a blog can so correctly pigeon hole a person's personality. We are all complex creatures. I believe a blog is just a glimpse inside a person's head, not a complete tour through it. I cannot wait to get her books and also Julia Child's cookbooks. I am going to put those on my Christmas list this year. Hey Santa...are you reading this? :)

I voted yesterday, and yes I am proud of that fact. I think that the right to vote is one of the most overlooked freedoms we as Americans have. So many people I know don't vote because they don't think it matters. Yes, it does matter. In so many places in the world women especially are not allowed to be heard in the matters of how their countries are run. I voted for all of those women. I did it because I can.

Not much on the agenda today. I have a few errands to run, but that's it. I am very thankful because I'm not feeling all the great today. Oh Lupus, how I'd love to run you over with my truck then toss you in the river.

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