Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Think Again!

Just when I think I am doing a pretty good job as a parent and a wife, something happens that concretes the fact that exactly the opposite is true. It is definitely not for lack of trying or desire. I do my best and still it's not good enough. I had no idea that a certain person was so very miserable. And I really feel like shit because I didn't know that it was as bad as it apparently is. So, what to do now? How can I make things better? I absolutely do not have the answer to those questions. The incident that sparked all of this has caused me to doubt so many things in such a short period of time. I think the worst pain in the world is to know that a person you love more than life itself is hurting and there's nothing you can do to fix it. So all I can do is cry and silently pray for the answers to be shown to me. My faith in certain things has been shaken to the core. Things I thought would never happen have happened. Things I thought would never be said again have been said. I am hurt and my heart is broken. The really bad thing is that there is no one I can talk to about this. I won't give details that personal in a blog, but I do think writing down how I feel about things is healthy.

All this upset has caused my butterfly rash to make an appearance. Just great. I've been in a flare for a while now, but I haven't had to deal with the rash. Not anymore, I get to look at that everyday in the mirror now. I should be on prednisone right now, but I can't stand what that stuff does to me. Sure, it makes things lovely in the short term, but after a while horrible is the only word I can think of to describe it. I am so tired of crying. I just have to have faith that tomorrow is going to be a better day.


  1. Really sorry things are hard for you tonight. You know everyone says and does things that hurts their significant other sometimes. Try to have faith that you will make it through the hard times..Try to remember the good times right now and hold on to them while in this difficult time. Tomorrow WILL be better..Take it from someone who really knows..and if you do want to talk, just shoot me a email or a im on fb..Im here if you need me..♥

  2. hang in there, tomorrow is a new day and things will get better, life has a way of making it so.
