Thursday, October 21, 2010

Good Morning :)

Good morning to everybody! I love this picture. Wouldn't it be awesome to wake up each day and see that? How could you have anything but a good day after that?

Not much on the agenda for today. I need to finish up the last bit of laundry and school for the older 2 boys. I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate physical education into our home school. It's more than a little challenging because I can't do most exercises. I wish there were a YMCA near by. That would be best. But, since there isn't one I have to get creative. I'm going to talk with the boys and see if they have any ideas on what they'd like to do. I know Jake wants a weight bench. Seems like there is always someone getting rid of a weight bench, so I'll keep my eye out.

Well, time for me to get this day started. Wishing everyone a peaceful day!


  1. sounds like a great idea.
    Physical exercise does not have to be a lot to be effective.
    core body strengthening exercises can be done easily in the home with very little exercise equipment.
    You can customize a plan for each of the boys geared to their age and body types.
    And as for yourself you need to do different types of exercises, more yoga type, or with the ball for balance and core strength but easy on joints.
    If your son that wishes to do weights is min. of 13 then I would say weights are okay as he is getting to an age where development of muscles will be there . younger than that it is actually not recommended for them to do weights.

    be sure to use the resource of in your area and post a wanted for items you think would be some money.

    if he does start weights you need to be sure he is doing them correctly and not over doing it when he starts out as many boys do. Can do more harm than good.

  2. Great ideas Debbie! Thanks for the input :)
