Friday, October 22, 2010

I Should Be Tired!

I should be really tired right now, but that is just not the case. It's so odd because I have always been and early to bed, early to rise kind of gal. Now, I'm lucky if I can fall asleep before midnight most nights. I really did a lot of work today. So did everyone else in the house. I did a good thorough cleaning while everything was being moved around. It is SO dusty in this house. It's no wonder we all have sinus problems! I'm going to start looking for an air purifier and some better furnace filters. That should help the situation.

I don't mind so much being up tonight. Ian and I are spending some one on one time together. One on one time is really hard to get in this house. It seems like all 3 of them are always vying for my attention at the same time.

Devon is supposed to be coming up tomorrow and spending the night. I'll be really glad to spend some time with her. Sharon will be here tomorrow as well. We are going to do some of Marlena's make up tutorials from  I really love Marlena's tutorials. She's very talented and she's also very down to earth. Sometimes those makeup gurus can be a little condescending, but she's not at all. She has a few looks from her soda can inspired series that look like they'd be really fun to try. 

I have had a lot on my mind lately. That's probably the real reason I'm not sleeping well. When I feel overwhelmed like this I have a tendency to get short tempered and quick tongued. Then I end up mad at myself for being that way and I just feel more stress. It's a vicious cycle! I don't like to write a lot about issues I'm having, I don't want to feel like I'm whining. But maybe I should write more about things that are weighing heavy on my heart and mind. It would probably be a good release. I'm a bit sleepier. I hope the feeling lasts! Wishing everyone a peaceful and restful night. XOXO, Sarah Jane


  1. I hope you got some sleep last night. I really had a problem and maybe only got 2 hours. That is really not good when you have an auto immune disease. I stubble on you blog and though I can really relate to her.

  2. It's a lot like what i did . I wasn't ready to write in on the fb group but I was writing a bit more of it on my blogs.

    It has helped me this past week as I was very very depressed and now I am on the way out of the dark.

    hope you feel better soon.

    you can always write at our group and we will do all we can to help if you choose :)
