Thursday, October 28, 2010

What You Don't Know About My Life With Lupus

I got this idea from another blogger who has Lupus. Actually their title was 30 things you don't know about my invisible illness, but I wanted to come up with my own title, and I didn't want to have to be pinned by 30 things either less or more. goes....

1. What are my diagnoses? Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, degenerative disc disease (L4 and L5), and degenerative joint disease, raynaud's disease.

2. What has changed because of my illness? Absolutely everything. The biggest thing being my ability to do everyday tasks.

3. How many medications do I take? I have a makeup case full of medicines that I take, approximately 10 different meds at the present time. That number goes up occasionally depending on if I'm in a flare or not. I also take a weekly shot.

4. What do I wish people knew? That I am NOT lazy. That I do not like not being able to work or do things around the house.

5. What do I hear most often from people? Maybe you should get out in the sun more (sunlight causes flare ups).

6. What organs have been affected because of Lupus? My heart, lungs, colon, brain.

7. What would I do if I had one day free from these conditions? I would go to the beach with my boys and spend all the time I wanted out in the sunshine.

8. How often do I see a doctor (my GP or my rheumatologist)? About every 2-3 months.

9. What does Lupus feel like? Well...if I'm in a flare, it feels like a bad case of the flu. That doesn't EVER go away.

10. What surprises me the most about Lupus? How one minute I can feel fine, then the next I feel like I've been mowed over by a freight train. It comes on just that quick.

I'm going to limit my list to 10 because I think I'm going to do more posts like this one. I get new questions and comments from people all the time. Part of the reason I started this blog was to blog about my illness. Most people are clueless when it comes to Lupus. A lot of people go undiagnosed for that reason, and they don't get the care they need. Lupus is a serious illness that can be as mild as a rash to severe enough to cause death. I hope I can educate at least one person on this illness.

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