Sunday, October 17, 2010

Good Night World

This has been a particularly stressful evening. For the latter half of the day, Ian and Justin have done nothing but fight and bicker with each other. It's beginning to drive me bananas. They'll be playing together fine, then...BOOM!! major fall out. I think they've just spent too much time together this weekend. At any rate, I'm glad to be in bed. I'm not very tired at all, though. My spell check isn't working like it does on my other computer and it's driving me crazy. So, if I have any major misspellings or typos, you will just have to forgive me.

It's probably going to be one of those nights where I need ambien to help me doze off. I don't have to get up in the morning, so I guess it doesn't really matter.

It was pizza for dinner tonight. My back was just not cooperating with me today. So standing over the stove was not going to happen. The boys killed a large pepperoni all on their own and probably could've ate more had it been available. Now they are watching a movie in their room and it's relatively quiet. I suspect that's because Justin is all ready asleep.

Well, I have a standing Sunday night date with HBO and their new show Boardwalk Empire. Good night to everyone. Sleep peacefully and dream lovely dreams.

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