Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday Night

Isn't it funny how the definition of a good time on Friday night changes the older we get? In my younger days, I was a party girl. I loved to go out and have a drink (or 2, or 3, get the picture). Now, I get excited at the prospect of a good movie and popcorn with the kids. I have way mellowed out in my old age. Which is a really good thing. Not only has Lupus slowed my roll, but age and maturity as well. The great thing is that I don't feel like I am missing anything. I think I'm lucky to have a family to sit at home with, whom I enjoy being with.

The boys are busy on their video games and Friday night wrestling shows, so it's just me watching the movie tonight. I like to listen to them when they don't know I'm listening. Not because I want to eavesdrop, but they are really funny sometimes.

Well, I'm getting sleepy early tonight. Good night and sweet dreams to all!

1 comment:

  1. certainly sounds like a much nicer way to spend an evening than drinking alcohol and having a headache and feeling tired the next day :)
    small benefit to life with lupus ..a new appreciation for things others take for granted.
