Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Pain in my Steak

Well, I started with the best of intentions. I was going to grill out all by myself and have the steaks ready when Matt got home. Thanks to my constant companion (pain), I'm unable to do what I want yet again. Not to mention there is not a good place in the shade to put the grill, and I definitely can't stand in the sun. Soo...plan B it is, which is do them in the oven under the broiler and enlist the help of the boys for prep work and clean up. I at least got a few things accomplished today. I managed to do some grocery shopping and get a load or two of laundry done.Which doesn't sound like a lot, but for me it sure is.

Tonight is going to be a family movie night. I got Alice in Wonderland today and I am so excited to see it!!! I love Tim Burton movies and I love Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham-Carter. I picked up plenty of popcorn at the store, so we are set!

I think it's wonderful that Lady Gaga has brought lupus to the headlines. I know a lot of people aren't that crazy about her, but there are many people that are and if you can say one thing about her, it is that she knows how to attract attention. I hope one day this disease gets as much attention as some others do. The more attention it gets, the more funding it will get. The more funding it gets, the closer to a cure we will be. What I wouldn't give to be able to walk up a flight of steps, to be able to play in the sun, to play at the playground with my kids. Those are things I took for granted before. Now I regret each time I told my boys I didn't want to go outside with them. If I had things to do over again, those are a few things that would definitely be different. I've learned some pretty hard lessons since this disease darkened my doorway. The biggest one being that the little, everyday things are what you will miss the most when they are yanked out from underneath you. I have dug my heels in and been stubborn with this disease, but lupus has still drug me through the dirt. As long as I am able to stand back up and brush myself off, I'll be all right. If God doesn't put more on a person than what they can handle, he must think a whole lot more of me than I do of myself! Sometimes I just don't think I'm up for it. I think if it weren't for my boys I wouldn't be, Matt included in that. They are the air in my lungs, the water that quenches my thirst, and the blood that flows in my veins. I don't think they'll ever know how much they mean to me.

Now, before my hands quit on me I'll end this! LOL

XOXO, Sarah Jane

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