Sunday, September 26, 2010

20 Random Things About Me

I got the idea for this blog from a lady in one of my lupus support groups. I thought it was a great idea, so I'm borrowing it (Thanks D. D.)! I guess we will limit the list to 20. Okey goes....

1. I have lupus.

2. Lupus makes me miserable a lot of the time.

3. Of all the things Lupus has taken away from me, I miss the sunshine the most.

4. I love marshmallow fluff and peanut butter sandwiches. In fact, I love peanut butter and anything. Especially peanut butter and bacon sandwiches.

5. My favorite colors are red and pink.

6. I love make up and perfume and all things "girly".

7. I am stubborn. Sometimes this works in my favor, most of the time it works against me. When I dig my heels in, that's it.

8. I am very protective of my children and family. Mother bear syndrome comes to mind.

9. I love MMA fighting. Matt Hughes is the best ever.

10. I love pens and pencils. I collect them, borderline horde, but it's not that bad yet.

11. I can hold a grudge like no other. This is something I make an effort to change, but that change is s-l-o-w.

12. I love getting packages in the mail. It's like Christmas everyday at 3 p.m. when the mail comes!

13. I can't stand romantic comedies, e.g., anything with Jennifer Aniston in it. Also, those sappy Nicholas Sparks movies really irk me.

14. I love all sorts of music, from classical to pop to alternative to adult contemporary.

15. My sister Sharon is my best friend in the whole world. I don't know what I'd do without her.

16. My Mother and I haven't always had the best relationship, but now it is better than ever. I think we had to go through all that bad stuff together for me to truly appreciate and understand her.

17. I'm glad I had 3 boys instead of 3 girls!

18. I truly believe I am married to my soul mate and we will be together till one of us croaks.

19. If I spill salt, I always throw a pinch over my left shoulder.

20. I still make wishes on shooting stars, eyelashes, after throwing a penny in a wishing well. And part of me believes they'll come true.

1 comment:

  1. well hello, hello :)
    all is looking good from here :)
    I will be back.
