Friday, April 15, 2011

Heartbreak and Chardonnay

My heart is shattered into a million little pieces right now. I don't know if there's any possibility of it ever being put back together. Hopefully the sedative I just took along with half a bottle of chardonnay will help me forget for the evening at least. I can't believe this is happening again. I am not mentally capable of handling this right now. My health is taking a pretty quick trip down the wrong lane, so I'm not physically able to cope either. I feel like my soul has been ripped in two. What I thought my life was, is no more. I don't know how to be the person he wants me to be. Apparently nothing I do is right and I am a self centered bitch. I definitely do no try to behave that way. As a matter of fact, I try my damdest to do the exact opposite. But, that is neither here nor there now. He says he's really leaving this time. So I just have to cope. Which is not happening for me right now. I'm not speaking or thinking rationally. I think the real deal is I am not worthy of love. Maybe I've done so much wrong in my life and all the terrible things that have and are happening to me is just me getting my comeuppance. I just wish I knew exactly what I did. I have come to the conclusion that I am just unlovable. For whatever reason I don't deserve a family and happiness. I just wish I knew why b/c I am at a loss. So I'm hoping between the wine and the ambien I'll be able to get some rest this evening. My whole world is turned on it's head.

1 comment:

  1. yikes...
    I just came to check in on your blog haven't been here in forever and I don't frequent the same lupus groups you do I haven't seen you around..
    I feel for you , but don't feel this way , think of your are their mom, they love you and need you.
    If for some reason your hub has said things things to you that is his opinion and not the truth.
    Marriage is very hard and takes 2 working at it together to make it work..for better for worse, those were the vows you both took...
    If he chooses to toss that aside because it was only for better for worse if he was the one having trouble..shame on him

    Do not beat yourself up over things he says, you know deep down you are a good person, you know what you give of yourself.

    He is obviously lashing out to put the blame somewhere else when he knows it lies with him.
    If you ever decide to come back and participate at it's lupus what ? please do ..someone is always there. Debbie.
