Sunday, October 31, 2010

Quest for Beautiful Hair

Ahh...the quest for beautiful hair. I've had short hair (like pixie short) most of my adult life. I've been letting it grow for a while now and it's finally at my shoulders, with the shortest layer just below my chin. I'm definitely a no-fuss kind of girl when it comes to my hair. I don't like to spend a whole lot of time styling. I don't even blow dry my hair but every once in a great while anymore. So, longer hair seems to suit me better. A pony tail holder and I'm good to go. I originally made the decision to let my hair grow because Lupus had caused so much of it fall out, and it just seemed to me that the more hair I kept the better. But...the condition of my hair was just not very desirable. Dull, frizzy, and dry were just a few of the words I'd use to describe my mane. I'd tried every shampoo and conditioner on the market in hopes of a miracle. Needless to say, none worked like I wanted. Then I had kind of an AHA! type of moment. What about changing what I put into my body? So I started on a regimen of fish oil capsules, vitamins, and I began to use olive oil for just about everything I cook. I also stopped washing my hair everyday. Because my hair is so dry, I only wash it 2 times per week. Also, before I get into the shower I rub olive oil into my scalp and hair and let it sit on there for about 10 minutes before I shampoo. I have noticed a BIG difference in my hair. It's still not where I'd like it to be, but it's much, much better. I've had less hair loss, it's shinier, it feels thicker, and it seems healthier. I'm definitely going to keep doing what I'm doing and maybe one day I'll have the hair I've always wanted. Below is a picture of the hair I want!!

Fake Eyelash Trial Run

Okay, I have never actually wore fake eyelashes for any length of time before. I tried them on once, and not knowing what I was doing, I took them off before they were on 5 minutes. I watched a few video tutorials on the proper application of false lashes, and then decided I was going to try it again. I used E.L.F lashes and duo waterproof lash glue. First I took the lashes from the package and measured them against my eye to see if they needed trimmed. They didn't, so I moved on to step 2 which is to wiggle the lashes back and forth to make them easy to work with. Next I put a small dollop of glue on the plastic tray the eyelashes came in and I used a q tip to apply the glue to the lashes. After waiting about 20-30 seconds for the glue to get tacky I applied the lashes as close to the lash line as I could possibly get them. I paid special attention to the ends by pressing lightly for a little longer because that's where false lashes usually pop off first. Then I used liquid eyeliner to line the upper lash line to make it all blend in. I next used an eyelash curler to blend my lashes with the false ones and then I applied mascara. For my first time I am happy with the way it turned out.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Trick or Treat

Tonight is trick or treating here and Justin is off and at 'em. Jacob is being a good big brother and going out with him. I, unfortunately, can't walk that far so I'm glad Jake is helping out. I didn't sleep well last night and I'm really tired. Trick or treating only lasts till 9 p.m. I think I can last till then!

Right now it's just me, the computer, and the couch. It's really quiet, a state this house doesn't often find itself in. Gives me time to think about things. I have plenty to do next week. I have to shop for Jacob's birthday next. It's just over 2 weeks away. He's going to be 14. It doesn't seem possible that my children are that old all ready! I guess that's just how it goes. Soon they will be on their own and then so will I :(. Well, that's not entirely true. Of course Matt will be here. But there will be no more babies to take care of.

I hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday! Have a peaceful and restful night.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

Halloween is my favorite holiday. I've spent most of the last week watching scary movies on AMC with the kids. It's the best!! I like watching the scary, gory movies on tv 'cause they cut out all the parts I don't want the kids watching. Trick or treating is tomorrow night here. Justin has decided that he does want to go this year. Ian doesn't want to go and Jake is just too big despite his age. He's bigger than a lot of adults I know and he's only 13! I'm sure Justin will be more than glad to share his candy with his brothers. He's just that kind of kid.

I got 2 things from Avon in the mail today. The first is twinkle and shine eye liner in gold gleam, the other is ultra luxury eye liner in metallic ruby. I can't wait to try out both of them!! I love eye makeup the best. I used to be very conservative in the makeup department, but anymore I like to play with lots of colors. It's so much more fun, which is what wearing makeup is all about for me. I still love my browns and neutrals, but I'll wear blue or purple just the same. I really want to try the rest of the line of metallic eye liners in Avon's ultra luxury eye liner line. The metallic sapphire also looks really pretty, I think that one is next on my to buy list.

Well, that's all for tonight. I hope everyone enjoys their holiday!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

What You Don't Know About My Life With Lupus

I got this idea from another blogger who has Lupus. Actually their title was 30 things you don't know about my invisible illness, but I wanted to come up with my own title, and I didn't want to have to be pinned by 30 things either less or more. goes....

1. What are my diagnoses? Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, degenerative disc disease (L4 and L5), and degenerative joint disease, raynaud's disease.

2. What has changed because of my illness? Absolutely everything. The biggest thing being my ability to do everyday tasks.

3. How many medications do I take? I have a makeup case full of medicines that I take, approximately 10 different meds at the present time. That number goes up occasionally depending on if I'm in a flare or not. I also take a weekly shot.

4. What do I wish people knew? That I am NOT lazy. That I do not like not being able to work or do things around the house.

5. What do I hear most often from people? Maybe you should get out in the sun more (sunlight causes flare ups).

6. What organs have been affected because of Lupus? My heart, lungs, colon, brain.

7. What would I do if I had one day free from these conditions? I would go to the beach with my boys and spend all the time I wanted out in the sunshine.

8. How often do I see a doctor (my GP or my rheumatologist)? About every 2-3 months.

9. What does Lupus feel like? Well...if I'm in a flare, it feels like a bad case of the flu. That doesn't EVER go away.

10. What surprises me the most about Lupus? How one minute I can feel fine, then the next I feel like I've been mowed over by a freight train. It comes on just that quick.

I'm going to limit my list to 10 because I think I'm going to do more posts like this one. I get new questions and comments from people all the time. Part of the reason I started this blog was to blog about my illness. Most people are clueless when it comes to Lupus. A lot of people go undiagnosed for that reason, and they don't get the care they need. Lupus is a serious illness that can be as mild as a rash to severe enough to cause death. I hope I can educate at least one person on this illness.

Sorry Doesn't Always Make It Okay

A blogger for the magazine Marie Claire recently wrote a completely disgusting article about overweight people, calling them "aesthetically displeasing" and comparing them to alcoholics and heroin addicts. Apparently a show called "Mike and Molly" on CBS inspired her to write this hate-filled article. Now after the backlash she (Maura Kelly) has apologized for what she wrote. In my opinion, her article on how much fat people disgusted her reflected more of her own self esteem and weight issues than what her perceptions of other people are. I'm appalled that Marie Claire allowed this article to be published. I, for one, will not be purchasing or reading Marie Claire any longer. It amazes me how she thinks that anyone is dumb enough to believe her apology. She obviously is just trying to do damage control and salvage what is left of her career as a free lance writer after this major faux-pas. Sorry just doesn't always make it okay, and this is definitely one of those times. Magazines such as Marie Claire are always preaching self love and body acceptance, and then something such as this gets printed?!? I suffered with an eating disorder in my teen years. Part of the reason is because of the huge pressure I felt to look a certain way. Now looking back, I can't believe I actually put my life in danger just to be thin. Reading what this idiot wrote makes me angry beyond words. She should not be allowed to spread her hate filled thoughts to the young women of the world. I have only one thing to say I'd love to say to her...Shut your mouth, your words disgust me.

Just Wanna Go Back to Bed!!

Ugh. It's just one of those days. I am in more pain than I've been in for some time now (at least a week or 2). Ian has a dentist appointment today at 10 and I HOPE Matt takes him for me. I think he's going to. I really don't want to think about how much it's going to hurt if I do have to drive him. But...of course I'll do it. The kids' health comes way before my comfort, so I'll do what I gotta.

Matt finished the laundry for me! He did laundry all day yesterday and he just put his last washer full in. I'm so lucky I have the help that I do. I got really lucky in the husband and kid department. They always think of me first and I know any one of them would do anything they could to make my life easier. They are very compassionate to me.

Not too much else going on today other than Ian's dentist appt. I think I might just go back to bed. What I wouldn't give to have the energy that I did before Lupus. Keeping the house clean, or the laundry done wasn't that big of a deal for me. Well, most things that I took for granted (like walking up a flight of steps) are difficult for me now. Yes, I have my good days where I can function on a mostly normal level, but there are the days where I feel so bad and hurt so much I just want to stay in bed. Today happens to be one of those days. I'm glad I can write about it. It helps me to be able to deal emotionally with what this disease has taken away from me. It helps me to not feel sorry for myself. It also helps to take the guilt away that I feel because of this disease. That's the very worst part of Lupus, I think. I feel so guilty that I'm not the Mom, or the wife, that I used to be. I think I've grown to be a better wife and Mom in a lot of ways though. I have more patience than I used to, that's one thing for sure!

Well, I guess that's all for now. Wishing everyone a wonderful day!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Stressed Out!!

This picture is me today. Not only have I been in pain, but I had to be on the phone the majority of the afternoon taking care of some business that I'd rather not be dealing with. My shoulders are so tense, and I've acquired a headache. Sometimes I feel like no matter what I do, it's just never good enough.

Anyhoo...I'm putting all that stuff behind me for now. I am taking some "Sarah time" now, watching my scary movies and piddling on the internet, window shopping all of my favorite cosmetic sites. Wishing everyone a peaceful, restful night.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Busy, Busy Monday and Clearance Haul

Since Mondays are paydays, they are always super busy. Paying bills, shopping for necessities, running errands...seems like the to do list on Monday is a mile long. I wear out way before I am finished doing what needs to be done. I know I say this a lot but it's so true, I don't know what I'd do without my boys (Matt included). They help me out without any complaints or questions. If I am in pain and it hurts me to get up, all of them are more than glad to get me what I need. They are such a huge help to me. I used to feel a lot of guilt because I couldn't do all the things for them I used to, but I'm slowly getting over that. There's nothing I can do about it, Lupus, degenerative disc disease, degenerative joint disease are all chronic conditions that are not going to get any better. So I've just decided to count myself lucky to have such a supportive and helpful family.

I finished shopping for Justin's 11th birthday today. I can't say what I got him in case he reads this, but I'll write about it after his birthday. I think he's going to be very happy. I also got some awesome deals at CVS on clearance. I got the L'oreal lash boosting serum and the coordinating mascara, L'oreal Double Extend beauty tubes mascara, several Maybelline color sensational lip stains (in shades cranberry crush, plum flush, and bitten berry), a Maybelline lipstick in 160 cool watermelon, Physician's Formula organic wear lipstick in organic plum, and Sally Hansen Natural Shine lip gloss in sparkling champagne. For all of this I spent less than $25.00!!! They are making room for all the holiday makeup gift sets and they have put some really great products on clearance for 75% to 90% off.  I also picked up 2 sets of false lashes, they were on sale buy one get one 50% off.

I estimate that I got over $60.00 of products for less than $25.00. I am happy with myself! I don't have a lot of extra money to spend on cosmetics, so I am a super bargain hunter. I don't think I've paid full retail for a cosmetic product in years. I admit it, I do have a bit of a makeup addiction. But I don't drink, smoke, or do illicit drugs, so I figure I'm allowed this one vice, right? LOL :)

I'm getting a little tired so this is all for now. Wishing everyone a peaceful and restful night.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Dark Smoky Eye

Normally, I stay far away from such dark makeup. But I watched's tutorial on Avril Lavigne's dark smoky eye and I decided I had to try it. I am actually pleased with the results. It's a fun change up from bright colors. Here's a list of the products I used:

Covergirl smoky shadow blast (the silver one, I forgot the name of the color) as a base on my eyelid only

Covergirl eyeliner in black pearl

Stila matte mineral eyeshadow palette (the black)

Hot topic neutral eyeshadow palette

Covergirl eyeshadow the drama eyes palette (the white for highlighter)

Maybelline studio gel eyeliner in black

So, that's my latest makeup creation! I had a lot of fun doing it. Hope today finds everyone well. :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bright Spot in My Day :)

I had a great visit with my sister today. I wish we lived closer to each other so we could see each other more often. I miss her so much. I'm feeling a little sad now. I have a hard time making friends. I don't leave the house very often, I'm rather shy in public, and I just don't trust most people. Therefor I don't have many people I can confide in. Of course I have my husband, but that's just not the same as a best "girl" friend. So I cherish the relationship I have with my sister very deeply. Today during our visit we did our makeup and just hung out. She showed me how to download free ebooks and we watched some hilarious youtube videos. I wasn't ready for her to go home when she left!

My mood this evening is still a bit depressed. That has been the case for about the past couple of weeks now, and it just keeps getting worse. I'm definitely going to have to discuss it with my doctor at my next appointment. I hate feeling this way all the time. I can't even bring myself to enjoy reading anymore, and that's very unusual because I am a book lover. I'm not so depressed that I'm crying all the time or anything like that, but I definitely notice a downward trend. I just don't want to let it get out of control. I've been there before and it's not pretty. At least I recognize it's happening and am willing to do something about it.

There's another beautiful moon out tonight. I'm going to go gaze at it for a bit! Wishing everyone a peaceful and restful night.

Friday, October 22, 2010

I Should Be Tired!

I should be really tired right now, but that is just not the case. It's so odd because I have always been and early to bed, early to rise kind of gal. Now, I'm lucky if I can fall asleep before midnight most nights. I really did a lot of work today. So did everyone else in the house. I did a good thorough cleaning while everything was being moved around. It is SO dusty in this house. It's no wonder we all have sinus problems! I'm going to start looking for an air purifier and some better furnace filters. That should help the situation.

I don't mind so much being up tonight. Ian and I are spending some one on one time together. One on one time is really hard to get in this house. It seems like all 3 of them are always vying for my attention at the same time.

Devon is supposed to be coming up tomorrow and spending the night. I'll be really glad to spend some time with her. Sharon will be here tomorrow as well. We are going to do some of Marlena's make up tutorials from  I really love Marlena's tutorials. She's very talented and she's also very down to earth. Sometimes those makeup gurus can be a little condescending, but she's not at all. She has a few looks from her soda can inspired series that look like they'd be really fun to try. 

I have had a lot on my mind lately. That's probably the real reason I'm not sleeping well. When I feel overwhelmed like this I have a tendency to get short tempered and quick tongued. Then I end up mad at myself for being that way and I just feel more stress. It's a vicious cycle! I don't like to write a lot about issues I'm having, I don't want to feel like I'm whining. But maybe I should write more about things that are weighing heavy on my heart and mind. It would probably be a good release. I'm a bit sleepier. I hope the feeling lasts! Wishing everyone a peaceful and restful night. XOXO, Sarah Jane

Indigo Wild All Natural Products

I've been wanting to do a review on these products from Indigo Wild and I figure now is as good of a time as any. Anyone who is interested in being able to pronounce all the ingredients in the bath and body products they use will love this line of all natural products. Indigo Wild sells everything from soap, essential oil fragrance mist, to cleaning products, candles, and a line of doggie care products. 

They have a wide variety of scents, everything from almond and anise-lavender to rosemary and tea tree-citrus. Their soaps are what they are most famous for. They are handmade out of goat's milk, which has a PH balance almost identical to our skin. The soaps are my favorite product they sell. They smell wonderful, clean effectively, and leave the skin soft and touchable. I've tried several of their scents and my favorite is frankincense and myrrh. The scent is deep, sweet, full bodied, and your man will love it as much as you. One thing to remember before purchasing these soaps is that if you have very sensitive skin, be careful which scent you pick. Some flavors, like cinnamon, will irritate sensitive skin.

The web site is also super cute. It's easy to navigate and fun to look at. The company is in St. Louis, MO so you are supporting an American business, which is important in this economy.

I give Inigo Wild 2 thumbs up. I highly recommend it to anyone who is into all-natural products. Their slogan is great too...."any more natural and you'd be naked!" LOL , gotta love it!!

Productive Day

Matt's parent's gave us their old big screen TV because they got a new one. I am loving the bigger screen! It was very nice of them and I do appreciate it very much. So, in order to make room for the TV we had to rearrange the house. Which is not a bad thing, because it really needed a good cleaning. Feeling okay today, just a bit of a headache, probably from all the dust flying around. It's starting to go away now, thank goodness!

I'm in a much better mood today than I have been. I've been pretty depressed and just have felt bad in general. Being cooped up in this house all the time has been taking a toll on me emotionally.

Justin did absolutely awesome on his report card! He got all A's and B's and one C. I am so proud of him. He's been without his ADHD meds almost all year so far and his grades are better than they've ever been. He even got a satisfactory in conduct. Jake and Ian have been doing very well in their school work too. I am so proud of them as well.

That's about it for now. I wish everyone a peaceful and blessed day. :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Stila Blanc palette

I love this make up palette by Stila. I am really happy with the way my make up turned out this morning. The products I used are:

Stila palette in Blanc

Avon waterproof eyeliner in chocolate brown

Covergirl Exactlash waterproof mascara in brown

Revlon Colorstay foundation in buff

Covergirl invisible concealer in ivory

Revlon matte blush in 003 perfectly peach

Wet and Wild lip liner pencil in 666

Revlon colorstay lip gloss in peachy sheen (not shown)

I just love, love, love Stila eye shadows. They may be more pricey than drug store brands, but so worth it. You really get a lot for the money too. The pans are huge!

I finally got my technique down for my outer v on my eye lids. I think it boils down to having the right brush for the job. I used Essence of Beauty (CVS) crease duo brush set. I used the smaller one because my eyes are small. The Essence of Beauty brushes are inexpensive, but the quality is great. The are my favorites along with my ELF brushes. That's all for now :) Have a blessed day!

Good Morning :)

Good morning to everybody! I love this picture. Wouldn't it be awesome to wake up each day and see that? How could you have anything but a good day after that?

Not much on the agenda for today. I need to finish up the last bit of laundry and school for the older 2 boys. I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate physical education into our home school. It's more than a little challenging because I can't do most exercises. I wish there were a YMCA near by. That would be best. But, since there isn't one I have to get creative. I'm going to talk with the boys and see if they have any ideas on what they'd like to do. I know Jake wants a weight bench. Seems like there is always someone getting rid of a weight bench, so I'll keep my eye out.

Well, time for me to get this day started. Wishing everyone a peaceful day!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Top Ten Products

Here's a list of my top ten favorite beauty products of all time...

1. Benefit's Benetint. I absolutely love this stuff. It lasts a long time and wears evenly, it doesn't leave a ring around the lip line.

2. L'oreal Voluminous mascara. This is the best mascara of all time. I've yet to find any mascara, drug store or high end, that compares to it.

3. Revlon Colorstay Foundation. This is the only liquid foundation that truly lasts all day and looks natural all day. It doesn't cake up or turn orange.

4. Avon moisture therapy intensive treatment hand cream. A little goes a very long way, and my hands couldn't do without it in the wintertime.

5. C.O. Bigelow rose salve. Comes in a huge tin, has multiple uses, and smells lovely. I use it on my cuticles, on my lips, on my elbows, knees, or anywhere else that needs intensive spot moisturizing.

6. Burberry Brit perfume. I am a perfume junkie, I like to have lots of options. But, more often than not, this is my go to fragrance. It's not overpowering and just the right mix of sultry and sweet.

7. Olive oil. I use it for everything from a makeup remover to an intensive hair conditioner.

8. Healthy Sexy Hair argan oil hair treatment. It makes blow drying much faster, and protects hair from damage. Also great for smoothing down frizz, fly aways and split ends.

9. Wet and Wild eyeliner pencil. These pencils are amazing quality for only 99 cents each. They go on smooth and last an impressively long time for not being water proof.

10. Covergirl Amazemint lip gloss. I can't say enough good things about this lip gloss. It feels like a lip balm, it's not sticky at all, lasts for a long time for lip gloss, the colors are sheer and very pretty and there are lots of color options. And the mint flavor is awesome! My favorite color is called happy hour, it's blue but don't let that put you off. The blue is supposed to make the teeth appear whiter.

This is my latest top 10 list. Hope you found some inspiration to try something new!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

You're Not Old Enough!

Oh, how many times I find myself saying these words to my boys. To me, they are still my babies. I still (and probably always will) feel the need to protect them from things that may hurt them. But when is it appropriate to let go? Ian and Justin are both asking me if they can have a facebook page. I've been stubbornly saying no on this one. I just don't feel like they are mature enough to handle all the issues that come with putting yourself out into cyber space. I've done my best to talk with them about the dangers of predators online, and I'll of course monitor their activity on facebook very closely. They are all very internet savvy, I've just held them back from social media. So, at what age is the right age to let them break out on their own online? There is a definite part of me that believes that erring on the side of caution is the right thing to do. But, I don't want to smother them. So....I don't know what I'm going to do on this one. I have no reference point because there was no social media (or wide spread use of internet for that matter) when I was their age. I am very lucky that at 14, 13, and 11, the boys are still very innocent. I think that is a good thing. There is plenty of time for them to learn how cruel and uncivil the world really is. I don't shelter them from the facts of things, as a matter of fact I'm very open and honest with them about everything, but they don't need to experience those things just yet. This whole being a parent thing is one tough gig. I just hope I'm doing it right! Only time will tell on that one.

Here Comes Christmas

The last part of the year I am completely broke. The boys' birthdays are in September, October, then November, THEN Christmas. This year Justin is on me for a cell phone. He swears all the other kids have one. Slowly, but surely I am softening to this idea. I would feel more comfortable with him walking to the library by himself if he had a phone with him. Of course it would be a prepaid and he'd have to earn money to buy minutes. I still believe that a cell phone is a privilege and not a right. If I get him one, then the other 2 boys will insist on one too. I've been considering getting them one for a while now. They are both teenagers, so I feel it would be appropriate. Looks like the kids win this one! Wishing everyone a peaceful day :)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Good Night World

This has been a particularly stressful evening. For the latter half of the day, Ian and Justin have done nothing but fight and bicker with each other. It's beginning to drive me bananas. They'll be playing together fine, then...BOOM!! major fall out. I think they've just spent too much time together this weekend. At any rate, I'm glad to be in bed. I'm not very tired at all, though. My spell check isn't working like it does on my other computer and it's driving me crazy. So, if I have any major misspellings or typos, you will just have to forgive me.

It's probably going to be one of those nights where I need ambien to help me doze off. I don't have to get up in the morning, so I guess it doesn't really matter.

It was pizza for dinner tonight. My back was just not cooperating with me today. So standing over the stove was not going to happen. The boys killed a large pepperoni all on their own and probably could've ate more had it been available. Now they are watching a movie in their room and it's relatively quiet. I suspect that's because Justin is all ready asleep.

Well, I have a standing Sunday night date with HBO and their new show Boardwalk Empire. Good night to everyone. Sleep peacefully and dream lovely dreams.

My Attempt at a "Smoky" Eye and Red Lip

There wasn't a lot going on today around here so I decided to play around with the new makeup I got. I actually used several different brands to come up with this look. I usually don't wear really dark or smoky eye shadow or red lips but I really wanted to try it. So, here it is.

I'm happy with the way it turned out, though this is definitely not a daytime look. Here's a list of the products I used:

Covergirl Smoky Shadow Blast in silver sky

Stila matte minerals palette

Milani Runway Eyes (the silver shadow from the catwalk palette)

Revlon matte single eye shadows in 001 vintage lace and 008 aubergine

Maybelline gel eye liner in black

Covergirl liquiline blast in silver spark

Maybelline lip stain in cherry crush

Covergirl amazemint lip gloss

It was a lot of fun to do and I think I'll try it again using some different colors like blues or purples. I tried to get a good close up with my eyes closed so you could really see it, but I couldn't get a picture to turn out right. Maybe I'll have the boys play the photographer for me! One problem I did have with this look is I had to be really careful not to "muddy" the colors up, it takes some practice to blend them out and still keep some definition between the colors.

So anyway, that's how I've spent my Sunday. Other than doing my never ending pile of laundry. Hope everyone has enjoyed this beautiful day!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday Night

Isn't it funny how the definition of a good time on Friday night changes the older we get? In my younger days, I was a party girl. I loved to go out and have a drink (or 2, or 3, get the picture). Now, I get excited at the prospect of a good movie and popcorn with the kids. I have way mellowed out in my old age. Which is a really good thing. Not only has Lupus slowed my roll, but age and maturity as well. The great thing is that I don't feel like I am missing anything. I think I'm lucky to have a family to sit at home with, whom I enjoy being with.

The boys are busy on their video games and Friday night wrestling shows, so it's just me watching the movie tonight. I like to listen to them when they don't know I'm listening. Not because I want to eavesdrop, but they are really funny sometimes.

Well, I'm getting sleepy early tonight. Good night and sweet dreams to all!

A Few New Pics

Here are just a couple pictures I took from the backyard today. After the hail storm the other night, the colorful leaves are quickly passing! Also a picture of our cat, Shadow (or Stinky as I call her because of her flatulence issue).

Thursday, October 14, 2010

ebay haul :)

Just another day around here. Jake and Ian are out with the church young people's group. Last week they had a lot of fun. Fall break starts today, so no school Friday or Monday. Nothing too exciting happening.

Well, I did get some makeup I bought off of ebay today. I got 3 Stila eyeshadow palettes. One of the palettes came with the illuminating tinted moisturizer, mascara, and lip glaze in brown sugar, and a blush. I got all of them for next to nothing. Of course I had to try some on and I love them!

I am super impressed with the size of the eye shadows. I was expecting them to be really small, but they are huge! They are also super creamy, pigmented, and they blend easily. I would probably buy this brand of eye shadow again even if it wasn't marked down on ebay. I wasn't too crazy about the mascara. It was just a run of the mill formula if you ask me. However, I did love the brush. It is curved and it's just the right size. Some mascara applicators now a days are so huge they are hard to use! I haven't tried the illuminating tinted moisturizer yet. I did try on the lip glaze, it has a great color pay off and it lasts, but it's super sticky which I don't like. But the color looks so great, I think I'll deal with the stickiness. All in all the quality of these products is superb and I'll definitely be purchasing from this brand again. I usually stick to just drugstore makeup, but if I find the high end stuff cheap enough on ebay I will buy. I'd love to try Urban Decay's Naked palette. It's sold out on their site and on ebay it's selling for as much as $90.00!!!! That's way too expensive! I'll wait for it to come back in stock on their site for $44.00, which is still pricey. I've read really good things about that palette.

So, that's all for now. Wishing peace, happiness, and love to all!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Rainy Day

Today was one of those days that it's hard to get motivated to do anything. I felt really bad this morning, but after a noon time nap I felt better. I did manage to make a very good dinner. We had pork chops with mushrooms and onion cooked in olive oil, stuffing, corn on the cob, and corn bread muffins.

I was so glad to see that the miners had gotten out of the mine safely. All too often, when an incident similar to this one takes place the outcome is not so favorable. I do believe in guardian angels, and those miners definitely had some!

Now I'm just relaxing in my room listening to my ipod and doing some window shopping here online. Justin's birthday is coming up. He wants a big bucket of legos. He also wants a mood ring. I used to have one of those. Then next month is Jacob's birthday. He'll be 14 this year. I can hardly believe it. The time has just flown by so fast. Too fast if you ask me. Sometimes I wish life had a slow motion button. I want to be able to enjoy my life and my kids, but things get so hectic when dealing with everyday issues. I make myself slow down and enjoy things a lot more than I used to. I still need to work on it more though.

Good night to all, I wish you peace, happiness, and love!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Not As Planned

Well, today didn't go like I wanted it to, but that's okay. The weather was not very nice today so I didn't get to go to the gardens and take pictures. It's supposed to be nice later this week, just a little cooler, so I'll probably go one day this week.

I ended up taking a mini-trip with a friend of mine. On the way home we stopped at CVS and of course I had to check out the clearance. I found some really great deals! Guess and Lovely by Sarah Jessica Parker in eau de parfum 1.7 ozs. both for about 10 bucks each. I also picked up 2 of the Covergirl smoky shadow blasts. The shades are citrus and silver sky. I know I said I didn't like them, but I don't think I gave it a very fair shot, so while they are on sale I picked them up. I also picked up L'Oreal Skin Genesis night treatment for only $5. I'll do a review later of these products and let you know my thoughts on them.

I am really, really sleepy. Long car rides make me that way. I want to watch Iron Man 2 tonight, but I doubt I'd make it through the opening credits! So, good night friends.

Monday, October 11, 2010

I Am a Lucky Woman :)

I am very lucky. I have such a great family and I am so grateful for them. I am blessed to have such great kids, especially. They could make my life a lot more difficult! Thank goodness they don't!! I often feel like maybe I complain too much and I feel the need to remind myself how blessed I truly am.

The consultation with PT went well. I will be working mainly on upper body strength, abdominal strength, and balance. I am thrilled that I get to do my therapy in the heated pool! It is such a long drive there and back, but I believe this PT will do me a world of good. Everyone I met in the outpatient therapy dept. is very likable and it seems this will be a good fit.

I cooked two big meals yesterday, so I am taking a break from the kitchen tonight. Matt is going to cook, I believe. I have been watching Boardwalk Empire on HBO since True Blood season 3 ended. I really like it! "Mr. Pink" from Resevoir Dogs plays Nucky Thompson, a gangster who rules the business and politics of the New Jersey tourist town. The plot lines are complex and intriguing. I recommend it as a replacement for the empty hole in Sunday nights where Sookie and Bill used to reside.
I hope everyone has a peaceful, blessed evening!

It's Going to be a Great Week!

I'm actually feeling pretty great this morning. I'm waiting on my ride to get here for my physical therapy appointment. I am going to a rehab hospital that is over an hour away because I couldn't find one closer. I'm not thrilled about the long ride, but I'm just glad they got me in so soon. I'm hoping for some relief from this back pain.

The weather this week is supposed to be really nice. Towards the end of the week it'll be cold again at night. I'm going to be posting some pics from around town and around my neighborhood. I want to get over to the gardens at the resort before the weather turns cold. It's really beautiful back there. There are lots of spots that make great for back drops for pics. Tomorrow I'm going to try to talk Matt into going over there with me.

Well, it's almost time to go! Have a blessed day :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Great Day!!


I had an awesome day today with my sister. The weather was absolutely beautiful. We spent some time on the porch, people watching. She stayed until after dark so she could see Jupiter and some it's moons through the telescope. We had a pretty clear view of it tonight. I made chicken marsala and mashed potatoes for dinner. It was particularly yummy, if I do say so myself. We managed to get a few pics taken as well.  I am lucky to have such a great sister, and that she and I have such a great relationship. She is, and always will be, my very best friend. Above is a pic of her and the boys. I love you bunches, Sis!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Good Things

I got a new laptop last week and I am soooo happy!! Now I don't have to share computer time anymore. I can take and store as many pics as I want. I can lay in bed and watch movies, play games, or do whatever, when I am feeling really bad. I will be able to do a lot more blogging and posting a lot more pics than before.

So, there are some good things to come! I look forward to being able to share more with everybody. Have a blessed day to everybody.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Where are my pajama's?

The answer is....still on me. Yep. I haven't even got dressed today yet. It's almost 1 p.m. Shame on me. It's one of those days that taking a shower and performing routine grooming procedures is going to be like completing a triathalon.

I got a phone call from my rheumy's office today and they had the results from my MRI. I have degenerative disc disease in L4 and L5 and degenerative joint disease. Yippee. Good news, however, is there is no stenosis. This I am grateful for. I am in enough pain, thank you very much.

I can't sit at this computer anymore, so I guess this is gonna be a short one. The boys need to do their schoolwork anyway. I hope everyone has a lovely, blessed day. :)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Beautiful Weekend

I have to say, it was a gorgeous weekend. Well, it rained for part of Sunday, but other than that it was beautiful. It wasn't hot at all, perfect for porch sitting and people watching. Both of which I did while my husband was out selling his wares at the flea market.

Tomorrow is my first visit to the neurologist. I am quite nervous about it. I know I shouldn't be, they'll probably just ask a bunch of questions and look over my MRI's. I guess I'm nervous about what they'll say. Dr. Worster seemed concerned enough to send me there after viewing my MRI and seeing the loss of white matter in the frontal lobe and the 2 areas of previous injury. I guess I should be relieved I am lucky enough to have a specialist address these concerns. Lupus has picked again, and this time it's my brain. Which I think is scary because really so little is known about that part of our bodies. Most organs can be transplanted if they go bad, you can live with only one kidney or lung. But the brain...that's it. You've only got one. No brain transplants available! LOL :) The most frustrating part is, how to keep the brain healthy? I eat balanced meals, take my vitamins and supplements, I do puzzles and mind-challenging games, I read. But are any of these habits going to make a difference when it comes down to it? My worst fear (and I can't even believe I'm admitting this) is that the Lupus will cause psychosis and I'll do something to harm someone I love. I'd rather die a thousand awful deaths than hurt my children. It makes me cry to even think of this particular fear. So, needless to say, my anxiety factor is at an all time high.

Enough about that...on to something less depressing. Matt did well at the flea market this weekend. I am very proud of him. He sold quite a few puppets and decorations that he and the kids made.

Now I have to get my day started, I hope everyone is well and have a blessed day!